
Wall Street Journal Tablet Edition Now Available for Android

The Wall Street Journal today announced its Wall Street Journal Tablet Edition app is now available for Android tablet devices. The new app references the experience of the Journal newspaper along with full-screen video, market data, customizable features, and the ability to save articles from sections for later or offline reading.wholesale electronic shop online

"Our strategy is to serve readers whenever, wherever, and it's critical that the Journal's unparalleled news and analysis are available in a high-quality format across multiple devices and platforms," said Daniel Bernard, chief product officer for The Wall Street Journal Digital Network. "The WSJ Tablet Edition for Android continues to blend the best of print and online with an experience that showcases our strength of innovation and original delivery of content."

Content on WSJ Tablet Edition for Android includes full sections from each day's newspaper with the ability to swipe through from section to section or article to article within sections, including What's News, Opinion, Marketplace, Money & Investing, Greater New York, Personal Journal, WSJ Weekend and WSJ. magazine. The app has been designed to download each day's paper automatically every morning when the paper is published, resulting in more efficient download. online wholesale electronics shop

WSJ Tablet Edition for Android subscribers will receive access to content such as Business, Markets and Opinion and an archive of each day's print Journal from the previous seven days. Special features available to all users include Market Data, including quote search and a customizable Watchlist, and videos and slideshows.

The WSJ Tablet Edition app for Android is free to download from the Android Market with a subscription required for full access to all content and features. A full digital subscription is available for $3.99 per week, which provides access to WSJ Tablet Edition for Android and iPad, WSJ.com, and WSJ Mobile Reader for BlackBerry and iPhone. Current Journal subscribers receive full access to the WSJ Tablet Edition for free for a limited time.

